EMPOWERing Youth with Visual Impairment

Equipping More Professionals on Work and Education in Rural Communities

EMPOWERing Youth with Visual Impairment Logo.

Our Work

We work in the following areas:

web search graphic, links to resources page


An accessible website that houses transition-specific resources and information for youth with visual impairment, their families, and teachers, with a focus on supporting those in rural communities.
computer graphic, links to online courses

Online Courses for Students

Virtual interactive lessons and activities on transition topics, specific to the needs of transition-aged students with visual impairment living in rural communities. Lessons can be completed independently, with the support of a family member at home, or with a teacher.
certificate graphic, links to online courses

Online Courses for Families and Professionals

Interactive virtual (online courses) and static (printable materials) resources to enhance the knowledge and skills of families, teachers, and Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) providers.
Decorative graphic of Q&A bubbles.

Family and Professional Connection

High-quality virtual communities of practice for families and teachers to learn about evidence-based practices and to allow time for brainstorming solutions to specific challenges.
descriptive graphic, links to mentorship page

Student Mentorship

A mentorship program to connect current transition-aged students with adults with visual impairment who either (a) are/ have been employed or (b) are attending/have graduated from college.
open letter graphic, links to newsletter page

Monthly Newsletter

A monthly newsletter that includes website updates and a deep dive on a specific transition practice of the month for students, families, and teachers to work on at school, at home, and/or in the community.
group of people graphic, links to advisory boards page

Student Advisory Board

An advisory board of students with visual impairments who meet monthly to discuss transition topics. The work of the advisory board guides the work of EMPOWERing Youth with Visual Impairment.
head with lightbulb graphic, links to advisory board page

Adult Advisory Board

An advisory board of adult community members with visual impairments who meet monthly to discuss transition topics. The work of the advisory board guides the work of EMPOWERing Youth with Visual Impairment.

Stay Connected

Sign up for our monthly e-newsletter where we take a deep dive on a transition topic and share EMPOWER updates.

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